Thursday, November 17, 2011

List your top 200achievements

Learning is always a passion for me.  Learning is an ongoing process, knowledge and skill gain through comprehensive learning will help you to lead successful life. Success is moreover relative to person beliefs, understanding and personal goal in life. Education with knowledge, wisdom and character is essential for personal development which leads to successful and independent life with full of happiness and self satisfaction.
what i had achieve so far:

Taking my first breath
Crawling for the first time,
 Learning to chew,
 Taking my first step,
 Sitting up by myself for the first time,
 Standing by myself for the first time,
 Learning to eat by myself,
Going to crèche for the first time,
 Going to Primary school for the first time,
Studying the alphabet,
Learning the times tables,
Learning to add and subtract,
Learning to do long division learning to write
Learning to talk to people
Learning to type
Learning to use a computer.
Learning to speak English
Learning on how to Coloring inside the lines
Learning to use a cell phone
Passing matric
Receive certificate of most neatness learner
Being accepted to do Public Management at CPUT.
Passing by distinction for the first time.
Being awarded my first National Diploma.
Being accepted to do B-Tech in PR at CPUT
Being a Christian
Being strong in believing in GOD.
Travelling by train for the first time.
Passing my learners the first time

Becoming an Aunt for the first time

Learn to bake cakes and finger foods.

Awarded for being neat and clean at high school.

Staying in a house by myself
Get certificate of appreciation from PASMA
Saying no to drugs/peer pressure
Moving away from home to study
never Smoking
Remaining friends with people that truly care and love me
Always saying please and thank you
Wearing bra for the first time
Going away alone for the first time
Flying on a plane for the first time.
 Getting my first ear piercing
Writing my first blog
Learning to use a computer/the mouse
Learning to use the internet/research online
Joining Twitter
Joining g Mxit
joining Facebook
learning to work on indesign
Being an honest person
Being a good listener
Being a reliable person
Being a good friend
Being a wonderful daughter to my parents
Trying to live each day without any regrets
I haven’t been to jail
Learning to apply make-up
opening my first bank account
learning to do group work
Learning to apply nail polish without smudging

I salute you my leader, father of the nation

Nelson Mandela is viewed as a revolutionary leader for his ability to empower and motivate others using his strong regard for consensus and the democratic process. Mandela's leadership success can be attributed to his use of consensus. Consensus is considered to be the superior decision making process to build commitment and motivation in group members towards group objectives. When you read his book "The Long Walk to Freedom" you will understand how and where this leadership style developed. Nelson Mandela, considered by many as a revolutionary leader, helped organize the fight against racism and apartheid in South Africa. 

Mandela witnessed leadership at a young age when observing his guardian supervising tribal decision-making gatherings. Mandela’s guardian listened in silence for days, never voicing his opinion even after everyone’s opinion was heard. After everyone had spoken, his guardian guided the group to reach a consensus. Later, Mandela used this experience to mold his leadership style Nelson Mandela was the first Black President of South Africa and he was one of the most instrumental figures that helped end apartheid in South Africa. After his term as president, Nelson Mandela went on to become an advocate for a variety of social and human rights organizations.

I will circle this day on my calendar

When GOD promise you something, when you lean on him, when you trust in him, GOD would do wonders in your life. I was crying all these years, I was wondering what I’ve done wrong to make GOD cross with me. I’ve been praying to GOD for so many things. Complaining for every destruction in my life. Complaining for everything not going my way.

I even lose faith in you GOD. I even lose hope in you LORD but since you work even in darkness, you made my day today. You made me strong, you made me to realize that everything happen for a reason. Even when the devil was trying to destroy or humiliate me, you made me humble, to be resembled. Since I’m the believer I don’t take everything for granted. I don’t take nonsense to my heart and I don’t care what people think of me. As long as I praise you and trust in you.
I’ve been good to other people, but in life whether you do great things to them they will always have something to talk. They will forget what you’ve done for them, even if you did great things yesterday.

What motivates me?

Motivation is both the desire and willingness to do something. It's what gets you started and keeps you going.What motivates me is to be acknowledge in whatever good thing I’ve done. My word to be heard and to be taken onto consideration.So many things can motivate me. I think to be alive is an motivation enough to work hard every day and give your best and achieve your goals. If you don't have anything that can motivate you, then you are not thankful for what you have. Some people have much more worst circumstances than what we have and if you look at the people that are so thankful for the few they have and they are motivated to do their best, why can't we be motivated everyday to be thankful and do our best.

Most people are motivated either by the avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure. In my experience the most common motivation seems to be the avoidance of pain.
I'm surprised by how many people are motivated by fear. Fear of being alone, fear of what people might think, and fear of failing. Fear can be destructive, yet it can be harnessed and targeted towards a good end. If fear motivates you, use it to create the motivation that will allow you to achieve your goals.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pending promises

You promise that you will come back. You promise to stay with me. You promise me that everything will be alright. You promise that everything will be perfect. You introduced the word of GOD to me. You said to me that “ if you read this and believe that everything written here is true everything will go right.”
I’ve been searching for you all these years. You never tell me where you going. You promise to love me for the rest of my life. I never spend much time with you. I wanted to know you better. I wanted to know what you like or dislike. I only now see you on pictures. But I have something I wonna tell you. Something that haunt me all these years. Something that I think we be infavour of both of us.
I wonna hold your hand. I wonna hear you voice saying you love me. I wonna see your face with a smile and promise me again that everything will be perfect. Although I never spend much time with you, but I miss your presence in my life. I remember one day when we were from town, you bought me school uniform. You smile when you saw me carrying my school bag, and wearing my new uniform. I can’t forget that day bacause it was my first day at school. I remember what you said “ I’m proud of you my angel”. I think it was the last time I saw you. The last time I hear your voice and the last time I saw you.
Where ever you are, please bare in mind that I will always love you. I need you in times like these. I miss your presence in my life. Hope everything is going well on your side. Hope everything is perfect as you promise me that. I wish to see you again, hold your hand, see you smilling again. It’s been twenty one years now but it’s like yesterday.
I miss your presence in my life Khwalo,Ncuthu,Mlanjana, Nkuma, Sohobese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

No matter what we’ve done LORD, forgive us!!

We all people want to be parents one day, especially in mid or late twenties. After watching third degree on Tuesday evening, I started to wonder if I’m ready to deal with some challenges of being a parent. When a mother is pregnant she started call her child by name like civil engineer, lawyer etc, without knowing what will come next. It’s painful, traumatic to watch your child suffer. I think it’s time to repent to the LORD for our sins. We might not notice our wrong doings, we might not know what GOD really want us to do.
It was prophesised in the bible that in the ending times there will be weird disease, unalleviated disease which will be the sign of the calling of the LORD. When I was watching third degree I couldn’t help myself nor hide my feelings about the little child. I even cry because she’s so strong, she even believes in the LORD.  She made me think of my childhood, when I was in her age I just went to church nothing much. I remember one day my sister did not go to church, when I was coming from church she asked me about the word that was preached at the church, I didn’t know because i was playing outside with other kids by the time the pastor was preaching.
I began to ask myself what sins I committed. I asked GOD what I must do to make him happy. I’m afraid to be parent. I think I should wait till the LORD tells me that is the right time.
I know I’ve sinned LORD but I repent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is Mother GOD?

I think we’re in those ending times; The Bible gives many examples of signs that should warn us of the coming end of the age.  Six such signs are given by Jesus, two characteristics are given by Paul, and eleven other occurrences are given by the prophets to occur prior to or soon after the end of the age.  While we are also told we will not know the time of the End, God obviously wanted us to know when that time was getting closer.  As the Christian church is increasingly drawn into the interfaith movement, and as more and more churches go into isolation, preparing to sleep through the growing attacks on their faith, perhaps God knew it would take a few signs to wake us up and remind us that we have work to do.
I got confused last week, when Chinese man and woman come into my room and preach about mother GOD. I never heard of her before. What confused me is that they say mother GOD is alive. They visit her and she answered their prayers immediately. When I search on Google about mother god, I found something different from what they taught me.
"Mother god" is a book, entitled Heart Talks to Mother God. This book claims to be based on the motherly images of God in the Bible. It is written for children so that they may experience another metaphor for God - "Mother God, who loves them unconditionally." Unfortunately this seems to imply that fathers, including God the Father, cannot love unconditionally. The book reduces Creation to "birthing" where God no longer creates out of nothing but has a womb. Also Jesus appears to have two mothers: Mary and Mother god! This title for God has many strange implications. An important question to ask ourselves is: Do we have the license to change the revealed titles of God to fit our opinions and feelings?

Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

·         Meeting someone from your past and you just can’t seem to get the bad memories off your mind.
·         Finding out disappointing information about someone who you thought was your friend.
·         Someone hacking into your account pretending to be you up-dating your status.
·           When you don’t have time to chat people take it the wrong way and then get offended.
·         Seeing pictures from your past that someone has been hiding and OMW  you look SOO UGLY lol.
·        You find that your future boss is online as someone else and is/has been spying on you.
·         Blind date A HUGE CONSEQUENCE some people’s profile is not the truth.
·         Misunderstandings during conversations because there is no face to face interaction.
·          Vulnerability when chatting to someone else.
·           Accidently sending a wrong message to the wrong recipient.

The elephant in the room

It is true that two heads are better than one. Lot of stresses, unreciprocated questions in your mind could be the elephant in the room. When you have something or feeling awful in doing something, because you are afraid of consequences. The elephant in my room  or in my mind is that i don’t know where i will be next year. I don’t know where to start new life of which i’m afraid of starting new province, since i don’t want to go back to Eastern Cape where i’m from.
It is so hectic to hunt and hassling a job of which you don’t know where and when you will get. Sending CV’s to all departments, but receive nothing nor regret could also be the elephant in the room. Especially when you know that you qualify for a specific job.
When you try to climb a mountain but fall in the middle of it. Whe i was young, finishing up my Matric i wanted to go to tertiary to further my studies. I wanted a Diploma so that i can get a appropriate and compensated job. It was my dream to be in a big company, working there as a Managing Director. I also wanted to work at Parliament, regulating South African policies. I choose Public Management since i thought is the one most recomended in Parliament. I get my Diploma at a record time. The elephant came into my room when i didn’t get the job even in-service training. I started to ask my self questions of which i did not be able to answer, nor no one did answer them.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Every day is a good day.

Every day is a good day to give thanks unto the lord. Every day is a good day to give thanks unto the lord. Every day is a good day to give thanks unto the lord. To give thanks unto the lord, for all he’s done for us.

Life is unpredictable. We may want to live better life. We may want to live life like angel. To be respected, to be noticed and to be well educated. Life could worth it if we may have everything we want. Everyday would be just like a Christmas if we would be happy every day. To live pure, worriless, possession life.

Every day could be a good day if we live life the way we wanted to. To be always with those people who make you happy every time you with them. Life could be good if God can always answer your prayers at the right time. Every day could like a Christmas if the day will start and end with a smile every day. Every day would be a good day if they can be all like Fridays and Saturday, when you can enjoy yourself, hook up with friends and have fun. Saturdays it’s when you can be stress free, where you can sleep all day restrain your stress. Think fresh on how you would start your next week. Every day could be a good day when you can spend all days with someone close to your heart, someone you love the most.
Every day can be a good day when you feel special everyday and every minute of it!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Love them all but trust no one

Sometimes we tend to trust friends, but forgetting that human will turn back on you some day. A human will always be a human. They will laughs and tease with you in bright days of your life. When you’ve got everything that have value in this world. When you give them what they want from you. When there’s something to gossip with. When things turn bad, there will be no one support you , no one will  be on your side, no one to help you. You will no one to talk, to share your problems with. But those people whom they called are best friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

When I evoke what happened in previous years, previous month. When I remind myself about what happened those days, I begin to thank God for what happened. Those lonely moments, those sad days of my life, but everything happen for reason. What friends suppose to do when I fall? What friends are for? To lie, laugh at you when you fall, gossip and tend to act as if they care! Friends who encourage in wrong things, but when things turn bad to you they begin to say things bad about you. Why they didn’t correct you at the very first time, but friends nowadays is just for fun.
I think by now you remember my words. I think by now you know where to stand. I think by now you realise what I was up to. You count on me but I never hatred you. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Peom about a family

A family, like no one can see a family.
A family everyone can want to be.
Family love comes from above.
Family love is softer than  adove.
Family means a lot.
Life will never rot.
U will sometimes get caught.
A family loves you for you.
And you love them very much to.
A family means everything to you.
Without them you would’nt know what to do.

Are they saved or served

 Sometimes I got confused of the people whom they called as children of God, people whom they  called themselves as servants of God. Yesterday on ky to train station (cape town station), a met a lady who share a word of GOD with me. When we were about to approach train station we meet a lady who ask for fifty cents. I gave the lady the fifty cent, servant of GOD ask me why I gave that lady money. She explained to me how these people (street kids/ homeless) tend to think that being homeless is our problem. She told me , she will never give them anything because in the word of God there’s no scripture saying we must waste our money to people who do want to work for themselves.

I begin to think that not all people who are saved are the servants of GOD. People who are saved think about themselves. They always talk about GOD but not practice what was said in the bible. I am surrounded by people who are saved, family , friends and are the residence where I stayed. But I never saw them sacrificing on their things to those who are ineed. They always preach the word but they are not the good examples of those sorrounding them. I begin to think that maybe they are not saved but served.
No one is excellent but since you are preaching, you must practiceor experiment what you taught  other people.
Don’t let people doubt you be a good example!!!!

Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness

First thing come to my mind when I look at this topic was care, honesty, faithfull.Since I have heart for other people, I make sure I help them, be with them in time of need. Early this month I sacrifice my time helping my friend to go to Stock Road since she didn’t know the place. We woke up early as six o’ clock in the morning. It was cold, I was freezing but I promise to help acompany her to the traffic department. But people will always think you are an idiot if you always there for them. They will always have sum  with a total in their minds, without you knowing that.
Helping other people is my greatest strength and I figured it out that is my greatest weakness. I always make sure that I’m there for people a specially people whom I think is my friends. But they take advantage of my  kindheartedness.  I have seen people cares only about themselves but I don’t blame them anymore. Maybe they doing so because of the reaction and they way of people behave onto them when they figure out their greatest weakness.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Try a cliché

As life changes drastically you might sometimes wanted to change your behaviour. Wanted to fake other people’s principles forgetting who you are and where you from. You might get to trouble, with no resolutions because you don’t want to go back to your old principles. There are lots of cliché s in this world whether you have a cliché on money, music, fashion etc. those cliché s can change you to be someone else you never you will be. They can change to good or bad situation but the fact remain if you know who you are and what you want in life those cliché s can’t change you to bad situation.

Everyone his or her own prnciples, everyone has to figure out what are their motto. The facts lies on what are your principles? You have to be strong and know your grounds. Sometimes there will come obstacles where no one to defend you unto them. Whereby people will teased about you, your life, your future,  you have to stand firm and defend yourself. Married old men tend to take advantage of youth and teenagers because they know that their common cliché is money and car. They promise them all the world could be theirs, the promise to do everything they need and want. But at the they tend to play dice with their lives, they figure it out when they lay in bed waiting for their day to die that their principles and they motto should help them if they stick to it long time ago. Lfe is too short to leave with regrets!
 Our greatest cliché are those we put aside or abandoned!!!!

Feelings follow behaviour

They way you’ve been treated can lead to good or bad behaviour. If someone treat you like an idiot you will behave bad towards him or her. When I was at high school the was a boy at my class who was always late. Every teacher treated him badly, he was always sad in class even if he raised something in classno one  acknowledge him. One day the Geography teacher ask him to measure stream on the map. The teacher said who helped you? Because everyone treat him as a dump person. He got tired of his teacher’s treatment towards him. He didn’t respect any of his teachers because they don’t respect his feelings  too.
He decide to change school following year, but he wanted to teach them a lesson. His English teacher didn’t like him (as you now every teacher has his / her favourates). The day before school closed he bring a frog in class, before the class ends he ask his teacher “sir what’s your weaknessess? I don’t have one the taecher reply. This boys knows that his teacher was afraid of frogs.  The boy stand next to his teacher and say, sir you were the best teacher I ever hate in this school, but because of that I bring you a gift you will love ever and you will miss me about. The teacher smile. He then closed the door a take a frog out of his pocket and give it to his teacher.
The teacher was shocked and afraid to take the frog. Then the boy put it on his bag and said it was hard, painful for me to come to your class now I decide to leave this school because you always makes mea joke in class. The teacher apologise and beg him to take out the frog out of his bag. The boy replied “ I ask you sir what’s your weakness and you said you don’t have one, then as you are the man who have gut to hurt me all this year, have a gut to take out the frog out of your bag. The teacher tried shouting for help but unfortunately the door was locked. The boy ask him to turn his voice down, teacher bow before the boy asking for forgiveness and promise to do whatever he want.
“what I wanted from you sir is respect others so that they will respect you too”. Today our teacher’s whom are suppose to teacher us makes jokes of us infront of others. How are we gonna respect them? How are we going to behave unto them?
Feelings follow behaviour!!!!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

I think this goes t the government, they keep on promising when voting time is. They urge us to vote them so that we can get all we want. Put your x on the ballot paper and watch after elections, after they won. They tend to forget about their promises, they deny what they said. I think this scenario should be given to all politicians and their disciplined organizations. Politicians can promise you all the world could be yours. They tend to promise black people who stayed at squatter camps big houses. How many times they voted for these filthy organizations. They are playing with people’s minds.

When it’s voting time they waste a lot of money with advertiments, billboards saying vote for us, winning people is to first give them those jobs. You will believe them when they say “our first priority is the demand of people”. All the claims are made by human being when they try to get people. They keep on promising but you will never see the delivery until next time. You will never saw them again doing door to door visit.

How many times do you usually saw our presidents visiting rural areas and poor people except during elections? It will be better for the government to practice what he promise before he talks a lot!!

Can’t let it go

The day I will never forget, no one can erase it on my mind, no one can take the pain out of my heart.  On this month, the women’s months, on the ninth of August 2010 when my niece was raped by a forty two years old man at Khayelitsha site B TR section. Man undermined the power of women, they tend to prove it on women’s day. But I can’t blame them because the justice of South Africa also weakens the power of women. How many times women abused on this month, South African law favors those who commit crime. All tests was done, the men was arrested for two weeks. He was granted a bail to come out of jail to rape again. Where can we bare our children, sisters and niece from these rapists?
I think GOD must come to give us solution. To discipline this corrupt government and his justice. It hurt when I looked at her, when she plays with his doll, especially when she named her dolls. I wonder why men are so stupid? I begin to wonder why they are so evil? I think they all deserve to die. I hate all men in this world.  In this country you can feel free to victimize, abuse, rape toddlers because the law will be on your side. They will grant you bail to come out to victimize them again and again.

When I saw him, when he greets me I become distressed, and wish if I could get a gun. I swear I will show him what witch craft eat.  He deserve to die. I hate the feeling I had but I can’t let it go!!

Fair become foul sometimes

Mid- June 2011 a nightmare during a day, when a couple recently married lost their six months old while they fall asleep during the day with their only beloved daughter. Sisikilelwe (we are blessed) was the name of the child, they called her this name after the doctor told her mom that she will never have babies. On the twenty seven of June the baby who slept between her parents disappears. They report the matter to the police, they even paste her picture everywhere asking everyone to help them searching their child.

After two weeks, the dead body of the baby was found near a stream covered with a new blanket. Eyes, tongue, vagina, thumbs were towed from the body and the body was moldy. This sad day, everyone was disgusting, devastated of the scene. Mzamo (father) swear that who did that to his child will bring the parts of his child and he shows them a lesson.

Mzamo go where he goes but what he said happen. After a week, on a Saturday afternoon his neighbor bring the parts of his daughter, asking for forgiveness. This man was like his brother, he always gives him food, clothes because he was not working and stays alone. He doesn’t have a family so he takes care of him because he also help him with cleaning the yard and do garden. A God believer, a humbly man had betrayed his soul brother by killing his baby for money. He sells the parts to the SANGOMA. Everyone ask a question why with no one answered it. 

Why SANGOMA are so foul? Why they are so evil?