Friday, August 12, 2011

Can’t let it go

The day I will never forget, no one can erase it on my mind, no one can take the pain out of my heart.  On this month, the women’s months, on the ninth of August 2010 when my niece was raped by a forty two years old man at Khayelitsha site B TR section. Man undermined the power of women, they tend to prove it on women’s day. But I can’t blame them because the justice of South Africa also weakens the power of women. How many times women abused on this month, South African law favors those who commit crime. All tests was done, the men was arrested for two weeks. He was granted a bail to come out of jail to rape again. Where can we bare our children, sisters and niece from these rapists?
I think GOD must come to give us solution. To discipline this corrupt government and his justice. It hurt when I looked at her, when she plays with his doll, especially when she named her dolls. I wonder why men are so stupid? I begin to wonder why they are so evil? I think they all deserve to die. I hate all men in this world.  In this country you can feel free to victimize, abuse, rape toddlers because the law will be on your side. They will grant you bail to come out to victimize them again and again.

When I saw him, when he greets me I become distressed, and wish if I could get a gun. I swear I will show him what witch craft eat.  He deserve to die. I hate the feeling I had but I can’t let it go!!

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