Friday, August 12, 2011

A wedding cake in the middle of the road

It was a rainy Wednesday morning, my cousin was going to town. In villages when it is raining it’s rare to find a taxi because of wet road. She walks to the main road, on her way the was a car slowly after her. The driver hoots at her as a sign of greeting. He stops and offers her a lift. They both exchange numbers. After a couple of weeks that man called her for a date.

On their drive back home the man stops the car on the middle of nowhere and proposes marriage to Yondie (my cousin). He take the ring out of his jacket pocket, knee down, he puts his ring on her finger. As Africans   credence’s that you mustn’t chase away marriage, because you might invite bad luck in your future. She Consent the marriage of the stranger without knowing the consequences of what she was doing.She just does the ritual believing that God and her ancestors bring a husband for her. At first she was afraid on how she will live on that marriage, but at the end she enjoy being with her husband.

The marriage proposal was her wedding cake in the middle of the road. The marriage is still perfect.

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