Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness

First thing come to my mind when I look at this topic was care, honesty, faithfull.Since I have heart for other people, I make sure I help them, be with them in time of need. Early this month I sacrifice my time helping my friend to go to Stock Road since she didn’t know the place. We woke up early as six o’ clock in the morning. It was cold, I was freezing but I promise to help acompany her to the traffic department. But people will always think you are an idiot if you always there for them. They will always have sum  with a total in their minds, without you knowing that.
Helping other people is my greatest strength and I figured it out that is my greatest weakness. I always make sure that I’m there for people a specially people whom I think is my friends. But they take advantage of my  kindheartedness.  I have seen people cares only about themselves but I don’t blame them anymore. Maybe they doing so because of the reaction and they way of people behave onto them when they figure out their greatest weakness.

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