Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thank you for your sacrifice

I salute all women who fought and fell for me, those who were born as women and bore us. If you not resist the pass laws in 1956, those who sacrifice for us. I salute you comrades, not forgetting all women in South Africa.

This day is celebrated as a reminder of the contribution made by women to society. The achievements that have been made for women’s rights, and to acknowledge the difficulties and prejudices many women still face. I hope everyone will think of some of the many women in our life today, and show them some appreciation in honor of those women fought for our freedom. On the ninth of August 1956, twenty thousands of women marched to the Union Building in Pretoria to protest against a law requiring black women to carry passes.
I salute you Lilian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Albertina Sisulu and Sophia Williams – De Bruyn. I thank you for your sacrifice, you showed us the power of Women. You give us strength when we powerless. You showed us that without women there’s nothing on earth. A home without a woman is very cold, no love no peace.


Happy women’s day!!!!!

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