Friday, August 12, 2011

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

I think this goes t the government, they keep on promising when voting time is. They urge us to vote them so that we can get all we want. Put your x on the ballot paper and watch after elections, after they won. They tend to forget about their promises, they deny what they said. I think this scenario should be given to all politicians and their disciplined organizations. Politicians can promise you all the world could be yours. They tend to promise black people who stayed at squatter camps big houses. How many times they voted for these filthy organizations. They are playing with people’s minds.

When it’s voting time they waste a lot of money with advertiments, billboards saying vote for us, winning people is to first give them those jobs. You will believe them when they say “our first priority is the demand of people”. All the claims are made by human being when they try to get people. They keep on promising but you will never see the delivery until next time. You will never saw them again doing door to door visit.

How many times do you usually saw our presidents visiting rural areas and poor people except during elections? It will be better for the government to practice what he promise before he talks a lot!!

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