Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are they saved or served

 Sometimes I got confused of the people whom they called as children of God, people whom they  called themselves as servants of God. Yesterday on ky to train station (cape town station), a met a lady who share a word of GOD with me. When we were about to approach train station we meet a lady who ask for fifty cents. I gave the lady the fifty cent, servant of GOD ask me why I gave that lady money. She explained to me how these people (street kids/ homeless) tend to think that being homeless is our problem. She told me , she will never give them anything because in the word of God there’s no scripture saying we must waste our money to people who do want to work for themselves.

I begin to think that not all people who are saved are the servants of GOD. People who are saved think about themselves. They always talk about GOD but not practice what was said in the bible. I am surrounded by people who are saved, family , friends and are the residence where I stayed. But I never saw them sacrificing on their things to those who are ineed. They always preach the word but they are not the good examples of those sorrounding them. I begin to think that maybe they are not saved but served.
No one is excellent but since you are preaching, you must practiceor experiment what you taught  other people.
Don’t let people doubt you be a good example!!!!

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