Friday, October 28, 2011

Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

·         Meeting someone from your past and you just can’t seem to get the bad memories off your mind.
·         Finding out disappointing information about someone who you thought was your friend.
·         Someone hacking into your account pretending to be you up-dating your status.
·           When you don’t have time to chat people take it the wrong way and then get offended.
·         Seeing pictures from your past that someone has been hiding and OMW  you look SOO UGLY lol.
·        You find that your future boss is online as someone else and is/has been spying on you.
·         Blind date A HUGE CONSEQUENCE some people’s profile is not the truth.
·         Misunderstandings during conversations because there is no face to face interaction.
·          Vulnerability when chatting to someone else.
·           Accidently sending a wrong message to the wrong recipient.

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