Thursday, October 27, 2011

Every day is a good day.

Every day is a good day to give thanks unto the lord. Every day is a good day to give thanks unto the lord. Every day is a good day to give thanks unto the lord. To give thanks unto the lord, for all he’s done for us.

Life is unpredictable. We may want to live better life. We may want to live life like angel. To be respected, to be noticed and to be well educated. Life could worth it if we may have everything we want. Everyday would be just like a Christmas if we would be happy every day. To live pure, worriless, possession life.

Every day could be a good day if we live life the way we wanted to. To be always with those people who make you happy every time you with them. Life could be good if God can always answer your prayers at the right time. Every day could like a Christmas if the day will start and end with a smile every day. Every day would be a good day if they can be all like Fridays and Saturday, when you can enjoy yourself, hook up with friends and have fun. Saturdays it’s when you can be stress free, where you can sleep all day restrain your stress. Think fresh on how you would start your next week. Every day could be a good day when you can spend all days with someone close to your heart, someone you love the most.
Every day can be a good day when you feel special everyday and every minute of it!!!!!!!

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