Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I find myself wandering about people who stay on leave, sleeping under the bridge eating on dust bins. I wander what happen to them? What makes or push them to leave their home and decide to stay outside. I take some of my time and visit them, asking them one by one, at first I was wandering whether they will welcome or chased me away.
Some of them they from Eastern Cape, they were here to search for work but unfortunately they did not find work. Some of them were chased away by their families since they don’t work, blaming them of food destroying. Homeless people who known as wanders, I wander what they think about their lives and future. Did they ask for their situation. Not all people who wander are lost.
I ask an old woman why she’s staying there, where she from. The granny was from Indwe, she left home in 1982 to search for work here in Cape Town. After she lost her job as a nanny she didn’t have place to stay nor work. She decides to stay under the bridge hoping to find work and have money to go back home, but unfortunately she never find work. She’s now wandering if her family is still alive and she wish to go back home. She’s wandering if her family would welcome her back since she never sends money nor went home all these years.


I wander if GOD has failed these people. I wander if GOD has given up to these people. It’s sad when you hear their stories. When they cry on your shoulder because their lives are in danger.Others had been raped by people who promise to bring brighter lives for them. People whom they trust.I wander why their families don’t look out for them. Not all who wanders are lost. I am still wandering but not lost!!!

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