Saturday, August 13, 2011

Try a cliché

As life changes drastically you might sometimes wanted to change your behaviour. Wanted to fake other people’s principles forgetting who you are and where you from. You might get to trouble, with no resolutions because you don’t want to go back to your old principles. There are lots of cliché s in this world whether you have a cliché on money, music, fashion etc. those cliché s can change you to be someone else you never you will be. They can change to good or bad situation but the fact remain if you know who you are and what you want in life those cliché s can’t change you to bad situation.

Everyone his or her own prnciples, everyone has to figure out what are their motto. The facts lies on what are your principles? You have to be strong and know your grounds. Sometimes there will come obstacles where no one to defend you unto them. Whereby people will teased about you, your life, your future,  you have to stand firm and defend yourself. Married old men tend to take advantage of youth and teenagers because they know that their common cliché is money and car. They promise them all the world could be theirs, the promise to do everything they need and want. But at the they tend to play dice with their lives, they figure it out when they lay in bed waiting for their day to die that their principles and they motto should help them if they stick to it long time ago. Lfe is too short to leave with regrets!
 Our greatest cliché are those we put aside or abandoned!!!!

1 comment:

  1. as human beings we tend to forget where we come come, we forget our norms and principles things that are important in our life's
