Monday, March 7, 2011

What is the colour of wind?

What is the colour of wind? What I know about wind is that it blows. Wind is intangible. Wind is untouchable. Even the scientist don’t know what colour of wind is, if they did maybe we would know what colour is now. At high school level in Geography my teachers only taught me that the cold wind sinks and the warm wind rise. They never taught or predict the colour of wind. The climatologists on TV when they predict weather, you would see that cold front or warm front is blue. Who told them that the wind is blue? Well I still wonder and wanted to know also.

Maybe technology counts on me, since I was learning in the old curriculum of twentieth century. Maybe the changing of curriculum and technology these days can elucidate and label the colour of wind. I would classify wind with love, love is colourless and intangible. Whereas you would see on Valentine’s day people caring red flowers, red heart cards, wearing red clothes. Who told them love is red? Well I don’t know. When I was young at home with my sisters we usually demonstrate the colours, of which red is for danger, pink for new love, white for peace. But people on Valentine’s Day wore red (danger) and white (peace) meaning danger plus peace is equal to love.

I did lots of research before written and posting this blog but unfortunately didn’t receive proper answers. Maybe in the next century scientist and technology will be able to identify the colour of wind.


  1. that's true, I never heard the colour of the wind, well done good written

  2. There's no colour for wind you can't touch, wow i like that
