Saturday, March 5, 2011

PASMA a student vanguard

When I was doing my first year I’ve seen that post graduates are important to PASMA. Every year at Bellville campus after graduation they honor and introduce fellow colleagues, who graduated. They usually do braai called graduation fair at poll house in Bellville campus. I joined the structure because I wanted to honored one day, but unfortunately for me I never get that opportunity because last year I change from Bellville to Cape Town campus.

Since I’ve been in Cape Town I’ve seen that everyone is on his own. Graduation fair encourages students to pass and also post graduates share views and encourage students to do their best. Students believe in PASMA because if the matter is in their hands they will solve the matter as soon as possible. I remember on 2007 NSFAS did not approve my application, PASMA negotiate to the management of CPUT so that I could register 2008 whilst I was still waiting for NSFAS to clear my outstanding balance.
To me PASMA will always the structure/ organization I will recommend as the best. PASMA a structure that strive for freedom of student in higher education.


  1. Girl here in Cape Town Campus no body cares no PASMA/SASCO that will represent you, you represent yourself haha

  2. you really love pasma, yuo should be a leader, its a pity that in this campus no -one cares about those things.
