Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fish falling from the sky

Fish falling from the sky it may sound weird, but it had happen in some countries like Australia. There happens a huge rain caused by tornado. Small fishes come out of the sky in hundreds but the weird thing is that they all fall down but still alive. This scene left residents speechless because they never saw such thing before. Residents were all over places picking up these small fishes.

In the earliest days strange falls from the sky actually appear in the Bible - the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament. According to one story, the Israelites, led by Joshua, have routed the Amorite army and are in hot pursuit of the survivors when a shower of stones fell from the sky and killed more of the enemy than died by the Israelite sword. The Bible goes on to mention other strange happenings in regards to falls from the sky, with the frogs that plagued Egypt not being the least of them.


  1. Wow if that can happen here in South Africa i promise you i can't buy meat i can it fish all 7day of the week

  2. hahah just imagine if those fishies can fall here in SA
