Thursday, November 17, 2011

List your top 200achievements

Learning is always a passion for me.  Learning is an ongoing process, knowledge and skill gain through comprehensive learning will help you to lead successful life. Success is moreover relative to person beliefs, understanding and personal goal in life. Education with knowledge, wisdom and character is essential for personal development which leads to successful and independent life with full of happiness and self satisfaction.
what i had achieve so far:

Taking my first breath
Crawling for the first time,
 Learning to chew,
 Taking my first step,
 Sitting up by myself for the first time,
 Standing by myself for the first time,
 Learning to eat by myself,
Going to crèche for the first time,
 Going to Primary school for the first time,
Studying the alphabet,
Learning the times tables,
Learning to add and subtract,
Learning to do long division learning to write
Learning to talk to people
Learning to type
Learning to use a computer.
Learning to speak English
Learning on how to Coloring inside the lines
Learning to use a cell phone
Passing matric
Receive certificate of most neatness learner
Being accepted to do Public Management at CPUT.
Passing by distinction for the first time.
Being awarded my first National Diploma.
Being accepted to do B-Tech in PR at CPUT
Being a Christian
Being strong in believing in GOD.
Travelling by train for the first time.
Passing my learners the first time

Becoming an Aunt for the first time

Learn to bake cakes and finger foods.

Awarded for being neat and clean at high school.

Staying in a house by myself
Get certificate of appreciation from PASMA
Saying no to drugs/peer pressure
Moving away from home to study
never Smoking
Remaining friends with people that truly care and love me
Always saying please and thank you
Wearing bra for the first time
Going away alone for the first time
Flying on a plane for the first time.
 Getting my first ear piercing
Writing my first blog
Learning to use a computer/the mouse
Learning to use the internet/research online
Joining Twitter
Joining g Mxit
joining Facebook
learning to work on indesign
Being an honest person
Being a good listener
Being a reliable person
Being a good friend
Being a wonderful daughter to my parents
Trying to live each day without any regrets
I haven’t been to jail
Learning to apply make-up
opening my first bank account
learning to do group work
Learning to apply nail polish without smudging

I salute you my leader, father of the nation

Nelson Mandela is viewed as a revolutionary leader for his ability to empower and motivate others using his strong regard for consensus and the democratic process. Mandela's leadership success can be attributed to his use of consensus. Consensus is considered to be the superior decision making process to build commitment and motivation in group members towards group objectives. When you read his book "The Long Walk to Freedom" you will understand how and where this leadership style developed. Nelson Mandela, considered by many as a revolutionary leader, helped organize the fight against racism and apartheid in South Africa. 

Mandela witnessed leadership at a young age when observing his guardian supervising tribal decision-making gatherings. Mandela’s guardian listened in silence for days, never voicing his opinion even after everyone’s opinion was heard. After everyone had spoken, his guardian guided the group to reach a consensus. Later, Mandela used this experience to mold his leadership style Nelson Mandela was the first Black President of South Africa and he was one of the most instrumental figures that helped end apartheid in South Africa. After his term as president, Nelson Mandela went on to become an advocate for a variety of social and human rights organizations.

I will circle this day on my calendar

When GOD promise you something, when you lean on him, when you trust in him, GOD would do wonders in your life. I was crying all these years, I was wondering what I’ve done wrong to make GOD cross with me. I’ve been praying to GOD for so many things. Complaining for every destruction in my life. Complaining for everything not going my way.

I even lose faith in you GOD. I even lose hope in you LORD but since you work even in darkness, you made my day today. You made me strong, you made me to realize that everything happen for a reason. Even when the devil was trying to destroy or humiliate me, you made me humble, to be resembled. Since I’m the believer I don’t take everything for granted. I don’t take nonsense to my heart and I don’t care what people think of me. As long as I praise you and trust in you.
I’ve been good to other people, but in life whether you do great things to them they will always have something to talk. They will forget what you’ve done for them, even if you did great things yesterday.

What motivates me?

Motivation is both the desire and willingness to do something. It's what gets you started and keeps you going.What motivates me is to be acknowledge in whatever good thing I’ve done. My word to be heard and to be taken onto consideration.So many things can motivate me. I think to be alive is an motivation enough to work hard every day and give your best and achieve your goals. If you don't have anything that can motivate you, then you are not thankful for what you have. Some people have much more worst circumstances than what we have and if you look at the people that are so thankful for the few they have and they are motivated to do their best, why can't we be motivated everyday to be thankful and do our best.

Most people are motivated either by the avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure. In my experience the most common motivation seems to be the avoidance of pain.
I'm surprised by how many people are motivated by fear. Fear of being alone, fear of what people might think, and fear of failing. Fear can be destructive, yet it can be harnessed and targeted towards a good end. If fear motivates you, use it to create the motivation that will allow you to achieve your goals.