Friday, May 6, 2011

The sound of one clapping hand

The lonely days of my life, the hardship of Cape Town life.  The days that I will never forget in my life. It was on mid January 2007, at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. I was looking for residence or accommodation since I was from Eastern Cape. I travel by train everyday from Khayelitsha to Bellville. I was an awkward, I feel so lonely, and they keep on saying come tomorrow till March. I did not know the exact person I should talk to or person who can help me. Even the SRC did not help me those hard and awkward days.

I met a friend who was my class mate, we chat and I end up staying with her family. It was then that I realize that one hand cannot do much thing, you need a second hand to have a balance. One hand cannot a make a sound. Being helped makes me realized that friendship is a best tool in life. By those days I even think that God has forsaken me. I even regret coming to Cape Town but life has obstacles you have to climb in order to succeed. I never heard a sound from a single hand. I only know that single hand can wave not clap, only two hands that can make a sound. I realize that two hands can make different in this world.

I associate the sound of one clapping hand with loneliness, when it’s like the world to out to you. When no one even notice you or your presence. Where your opinion is tasteless to others. The sound of one clapping hand, I don’t know its meaning but it’s tricky because one hand cannot clap nor make a sound.

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