Monday, May 2, 2011


Saying goodbye has never been a nice thing, especially when you have to say it to someone close to you. Someone who’s your everything, a parent, spouse, or sibling. In other circumstances you have to console your heart by saying goodbye. It’s hard to say goodbye to someone to someone who leave you for a couple of weeks or months, how much more if you have to say it to someone whom will never see again. It’s hard to say goodbye for good.  When there will be no more chat, sms, and no more calls. We tend to be angry to someone you love if she/ he did not call or sms for a day. How painful is when she or he will never have that opportunity to do so.

Life is unfair sometimes. Life is unpredictable, you may plan but never knowing what future holds for you. Devil harms those who are good hearted and kind people. When I look around, and down the streets of Cape Town there’s a lot of gangsters, serial killers, thugs who rob and kill innocent people but they live long life.
It’s hard to say goodbye for good, if it’s for me how much more to you my beloved friend. Losing a parent especial mom has never been good. May GOD be with you in all dark and light days of your life.
May you have a safe journey to heaven!!!!!

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