Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Design PR

Public Relations is a field concerned with maintaining a public image for the organisation. PR is the art and social science of analysing trends,and implementing planned programs of actions which will serve both the prganisation and the public interest. PR is used to build rapport with employees, customers and public general.

Public Relations profession helps the employees to analyse the vision, mission, objectives and needs of the Organisation. PR bring along  good reputation and good performance of the company. Public Relation practitioners design and formulate a copy communication material threfore press relaese, newsletters, adverts.Public Relation also played a vital role in building the image of the brand and promotions. Designing PR involved organising  special events, creativity and to monitor channels concerning media.

Public Relation discipline can also include:
  • Providing information mainly to the Organisation.
  • Gaining publicity mainly for a particular product.
  • Responding to negative information.
  • Engaging government department to influence policy making.
  • Providing information to trade bodies
Public relations produces organisations that design themselves.


  1. you tried to explain the topic of design PR and what i've seen to your post you have to check the spelling first before you post your blog

  2. I can learn few things from the way you explained Designer PR. Good points.
